I’m an autistic queer person (she/they) from Vancouver, BC. I’m a certified personal trainer (ACE CPT) who’s passionate about movement as embodiment.

I used to approach fitness from a really all-or-nothing, compensatory, shameful place. I have always genuinely loved to move my body but for years I exercised mostly because I thought I had to, because I was afraid of how my body might change if I didn’t. I desperately wanted to be accepted and loved and I didn’t believe I was worthy of that as is.

I don’t want that to be your experience.

What I Do

I help queers and folx who haven’t felt comfortable in traditional fitness spaces bring regular movement into their lives or adjust their current movement to work for their bodies, not against them. My work is unapologetically fat positive, anti-diet, feminist and anti-capitalist.

Let’s get this out of the way up front: I will never, ever, ever write someone a weight loss program. I’ve spent a significant amount of time unlearning diet culture values and strive to help others to do the same. There are a million other, more interesting reasons to exercise that have absolutely nothing to do with the size of your body. My mission is to carve out a safe space for LGBTQ+ folx to explore fitness.

I design workouts and movement programs for people who want:

  • that delightful feeling of doing something you thought you couldn’t

  • stress relief and better sleep

  • injury prevention

  • improved flexibility and recovery time

  • to feel capable and strong in their body

Why fitness?

I got started in the fitness industry through a combination of personal interest and a desire to help other people find joy in movement and exercise.

I like to use working out to support the other activities I love (hiking, rock climbing and pole dancing are my current favourites). I strongly believe that exercise should be mostly enjoyable and never painful.


Onramp to Inclusive Fitness | Body Positive Fitness Alliance
The Nutrition and Body Image Coaching Course | Jessi Hagerty
Functional Training | Human Kinetics
Function First Pain Free Movement Specialist | Function First, Inc.

Chat with me.

Curious about my programs? Feeling nervous about jumping in and want to know if we’d be a good fit to work together?