Ready to actually make exercise a regular part of your life?

Join a group of likeminded folks who want to exercise more often, feel confident in their bodies and unlearn toxic diet culture priciples.

You know you’d feel better, have more energy and be able to do the things you love to do if you exercised more but you’re overwhelmed and can’t seem to stick to a routine.

You’ve tried everything to get yourself moving on your own and it just isn’t working. You’re feeling stuck and don’t know what to try next.

You worry that there’s something wrong with you that you can’t seem to get motivated but you just don’t have the energy to do it all on your own.

Sound familiar? You’re in the right place.

What if you didn’t have to do this alone?

If you had a community of people around you who also need support and accountability to do the things that make them feel good?

If you built a network of people you could reach out to on a bad body image day or check in with to make sure you actually did that work out you said you were going to do?

There’s this narrative in our culture that it’s “better” to be independent, that relying on other people makes you weak.

Well, I’m calling that narrative out as the ableist bullshit it is.

There’s nothing wrong with needing other people.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a slightly unconventional approach to movement and exercise if it makes it a thousand times easier to show up.

There’s nothing wrong with accommodating your brain in your movement routine.


The Co-Work Out Group

A virtual co-working group, for movement and exercise.

The Co-Work Out Group was inspired by the success of co-working and the concept of body doubling (usually referenced in the context of ADHD supports and strategies) which is basically the idea that it's easier to do hard things with other people there in real time, holding you accountable.

Think co-working, but different.

The Co-Work Out Group is a virtual space to show up for your body and make time for regular movement and exercise. It’s not a workout plan or a group fitness class - you get to decide what kind of movement you’re craving (with a little guidance on how exactly to do that) and do your own thing in virtual community with your peers.

It's normal to struggle to make time for movement and exercise, to put your workouts on your calendar…and then not do them, to tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow (again and again and again).

This group is about building the habit of regular movement and time for yourself and your body, not sticking to a rigid workout schedule or forcing yourself to exercise in a particular way. You can show up to the group exhausted and spend the hour lying on the floor, maybe doing a few stretches. You can take your computer out to the garden and spend the time tending to your plants. You can try a new activity or do a workout that’s really hard for you, knowing that you’ll have a community to celebrate with you immediately afterwards.

When you register for the Co-Work Out Group, you’ll

  • spend time actually showing up for yourself and your body

  • practice listening to your body and choosing a type of movement that’s appropriately challenging, fun and supportive on a daily basis

  • develop a better understanding of the conditions you need to build new and sustainable habits

  • make friends and accountability partners who can continue to support you along your movement journey

Here’s what you’ll get inside the Co-Work Out Group:

  • weekly 60 minute group co-work out calls*

*All calls are via Zoom.

**In the calls, we'll spend 10-15 minutes checking in, running through some exercises to determine what kind of movement would feel good that day before we mute ourselves, move our bodies for 30-40 minutes and come back to chat briefly about how it went. So it's not a workout class - you'll be exercising independently, whether that means doing one of your QYM workouts, going for a walk, stretching, cleaning the house, having a dance party, whatever would feel good.

***Starting February 2024.

I can’t wait to meet you inside the Co-Work Out Group!

I’m Raine (she/they) and I’m a queer neurodivergent personal trainer/farmer/soon-to-be engineering student. Movement is one of the greatest joys of my life and I love helping others (re)discover pleasure in movement and exercise. I’m currently obsessed with pole dancing, rock climbing, slow trail running and working on my flexibility (stretching).

Join the Co-Work Out Group for just $17 CAD/session.

The Schedule

Workshops: Design Your Movement Menu - Sunday February 11, 2024 at 2pm PST

Weekly Co-Work Out Calls: Mondays at 6:30pm PST, beginning February 5th.

Are these prices inaccessible to you? Get in touch and we’ll talk reduced rate and/or scholarship options.

The Co-Work Out Group is for you if…

  • You’re sick of your own excuses but your days of forcing yourself to exercise are behind you

  • You want to exercise more in ways that actually feel good

  • You don’t fuck with diet culture and are actively working to build a kinder relationship to your body and movement

  • You find it SO MUCH EASIER to do things with other people and show up when you know other people are counting on you

  • You’re fairly comfortable with exercise once you start, but starting? That’s the hard part.

  • You don’t have much community support in this part of your life - maybe your friends are too hardcore about exercise or don’t do it at all or don’t get what it’s like to have your brain not let you do the things you want to do

Stop telling yourself tomorrow will be the day you start making time for movement.


What if I’m too tired to work out that day?

You’re building the habit of regular movement and attuning to your body’s cues, not railroading yourself into a strict workout routine. So if you’re tired, show up tired. Spend the co-work out session moving in a slow, chill way (like walking or stretching) or do something nice for your body (like taking a bath, making a delicious meal or doing some self-massage).

What if the scheduling doesn’t work for me?

Unfortunately, I can’t create a schedule that’s going to work for absolutely everyone (myself included). But by all means, request a different schedule! If there’s enough interest, I’d be thrilled to offer more time slots. Alternatively, register for the waitlist here so you’re notified the next time I change the schedule.

Still have questions? Get in touch.

Join the Co-Work Out Group.

The next session of the Co-Work Out Group starts February 5th.